
The wines produced in the Sauternes and Barsac areas (in the Burgundy region) are considered all over the world as the best sweet wines coming from grapes affected by botrytis cinerea mold. What makes Sauternes a unique sweet wine in the world is precisely this fungus which needs particular climatic conditions to develop positively, without degenerating into harmful gray mould. The spores remain dormant in the soil of the vineyard and on the bark of the vines (generally Semillion ) and only the humid climate due to the morning mists and the heat of the clear and bright air of the day, during the harvest period, favors the withering of the attached grapes with noble rot. The growth of mold in the vineyard is not a regular event, nor is it predictable, so the harvest can last up to ten weeks, as the harvesters are forced to carry out more passages in the vineyard. A good Sauternes is the most difficult, expensive and tiring wine to produce in the world, so the reward for the winemaker is very minimal. We would like to remind you that, due to its characteristics, Sauternes is a wine for long aging and therefore we recommend tasting vintages prior to the last harvest. In the glass it is yellow with marked golden hues, tending towards amber, if rightly aged for over 15-20 years. Intense aromas and sweet hints of very ripe and dried white fruit, with the characteristics of the expensive new wood of Allier which are highlighted in notes of vanilla, honey and sweet spices; soft and enveloping, warm, with great structure and harmony. Perfect match with fois gras, sweet but aggressive and spicy cream cheeses, desserts rich in structure. Serve in small tulips at 14-16°C.

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