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Jules Brochet

Region: Champagne region (France)
Year of foundation: 1881
Hectares of vineyards: 13
Annual production: 30,000 bottles
Winemaker: Louis Brochet
Address: Taussy (Champagne) France

Domaine Jules Brochet , at the foot of the Montagne de Reims , precisely in the village of Taissy , has been producing excellent champagne since 1800. Today we have reached the fourth generation who perpetuate the family tradition with pride and passion. The founder was called Marie Arsène Brochet and already at the time she selected the best plants in her vineyard with the utmost care, marking them with a stroke of paint on the trunk. Only the best vines are thus selected and only those marked for three consecutive years, they are then harvested and subsequently grafted to new plants. This selection technique, perpetuated over time, allows us to have grapes with exceptional characteristics, in fact today we obtain Pinot noir grapes with unique characteristics. Louis Brochet marks a turning point in the history of the family. He will be the proponent of the first label to feature the family name “Champagne Louis Brochet”, an innovative and ambitious approach for the time. The next generation continues with Henri Brochet (son of Louis), supported by his wife Yvonne Hervieux, who was the first to really start the development and marketing of the Domaine's champagne. And here comes the arrival of Alain Brochet , supported by his wife Brigitte, who perpetuates the traditional values of the family and this incessant search for quality following in the footsteps of his father Henri. 2013 marks an important turning point in the history of the Domaine. Hélène and Louis (Alain's children) take over the estate with the aim of continuing the work of their father and the 4 previous generations. Hélène, involved in the sector since 2005, deals with the development of the domaine's communication and its commercial development, especially in exports, which today represents 30% of the business, while Louis, a qualified oenologist, signs some amazing labels. Brother and sister therefore together perpetuate the values of the family tradition always with the same objective since 1881: to create exceptional champagnes.

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