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Chablis is a small town of 2500 souls in the heart of France and falls within the Burgundy wine area, the undisputed homeland of one of the greatest red wines on the planet: pinot noir (pinot noir); despite this, thanks to an extraordinary vine, Chardonnay , this area is famous throughout the world for producing Chablis, also called the "Chardonnay that comes from cold", a dry white wine with high acidity: a quality difficult to find in wines produced elsewhere with soft and round Chardonnay. The historical choice of Chablis producers to use inert containers, typically steel tanks (even today many "modernists" use wood, contributes to the preservation of the "fresh" qualities of Chardonnay, contrary to what happens in wines fermented and aged in barrels, in which the wood contributes to making the wine rounder and softer and "pleasant".Today Chablis represents a world reference point for the production of Chardonnay wines, a model widely and improperly copied even outside the French borders.

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