Basilicata wines 

This small region is a jewel of Italy still partially unknown, nestled between the Ionian and Tyrrhenian seas and with a mountainous hinterland made up of forests and natural parks. Aglianico del Vulture is the main vine of Basilicata and represents 9/10 of the regional production. The Aglianico vine was brought to Italy, with the name of Hellenica, by the Greeks. The Romans called it Ellenico and used it to improve the quality of Falerno, a wine much loved by the poets of the time. In the fifteenth century under the domination of the Aragonese it was called Aglianico. Defining it only as wine would be an understatement, Aglianico is also and above all the story of a people and a place with a strong and decisive identity, just like its wines. A late vine that needs a long time and suitable climates to reach the right maturation, Aglianico has found an ideal habitat on the land of a volcano that has been extinct for thousands of years. With its ruby red colour, fragrant and winy bouquet, dry, savory and harmonious flavour, it has never ceased to conquer the most demanding palates and a place of honor among the best Italian wines. One of its most important characteristics is longevity, given to it by an always present and characteristic tannic.

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