Lombard wines 

Viticulture in Lombardy is very ancient and above all extensive: it covers around 30,000 hectares. It starts from the vineyards of the great Nebbiolo (Chiavennasca) of the Valtellina to the north-east, located on the slopes of the Alps up to about 1,000 meters above sea level, and then descends to the plains, in Oltrepò Pavese, an area between the provinces of Pavia and Alessandria, known for massive production of red wines for mainly regional consumption, but in reality with very high qualitative potential. Here the most common variety is Barbera, followed by Croatina, Bonarda and Uva Rara. A particular mention deserves the Pinot Noir, while the white wines are obtained with Riesling Italico, Moscati and Malvasia grapes. We continue in an easterly direction and we find Franciacorta, between Bergamo and Brescia, under Lake Iseo: for 40 years, a land of production of highly prized Classic Method sparkling wines. The area is known for the cultivation of vines such as Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc and Chardonnay. Then we come across the Lombard shore of Lake Garda and the Mantovan Hills: here the Groppello, Barbera, Marzemino and Sangiovese vines are grown. Lombardy, a significant variety rich in traditions, grapes, soils and different climates that bring this region to very high quality levels as regards the Italian wine proposal in the world.

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