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Ante Hirpis

Ante Hirpis
Address: Strada Nuova Naviglio, 6/A CAP 43122 Parma (PR)

The company, which takes its name from the historical region in which it is located, was born in an area with a suggestive landscape, rich in archaeological, historical and cultural resources, as well as ancient traditions. The soils originating from these mountain formations, due to the erosive action of the elements and prehistoric rivers, are essentially alluvial in nature, with a prevalence of clay and sand, mixed with volcanic elements. The wines are obtained from grapes grown in suitable lands, vinified in purity with technique and passion. We promote and support the replanting of ancient vines. The wines of Sannio have been known and appreciated since the times of ancient Rome and in its thousand-year history they have always cheered the tables of its rulers, from the Lombards to the Popes and its visitors. The great, true wine road of Campania passes through Beneventano, the ancient Sannio: only here is it possible to travel kilometers and kilometers of road surrounded by infinite vineyards.

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