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Castellucci Miano

Castellucci Miano
Region: Sicily (Italian wines)
Year of foundation: 1970
Hectares of vineyards: 125
Annual production: 120,000 bottles
Winemaker: Tonino Guzzo
Address: Via Sicilia, 1 - 90029 Valledolmo (PA)

The Castellucci Miano winery is located in Valledolmo, in the province of Palermo, on the slopes of the Madonie mountain massif. It was founded in 1961 as a cooperative, then its history saw a fundamental turning point at the end of 2004, when the winery was taken over by a small number of contributing members and today recognized as an important Sicilian cooperative reality. Since that year, the winery's philosophy has been absolutely aimed at a serious renewal process and determined solely to increase the quality of all the wines offered. One of the peculiar characteristics of this reality is that the vineyards are in a hilly area with a rather high altitude: the approximately one hundred hectares of vineyards, all cultivated organically, are in fact between an altitude of 700 and 1,050 meters above sea level , an ideal condition for producing particularly aromatic and elegant wines. On these slopes the area's native vines, Perricone, Catarratto and Nero d'Avola are grown, resulting in some of the most interesting wines in the entire area. Very intense wines characterized by an extraordinary relationship between quality and price. The current vineyards are the result of studies and work on the old recovered vineyards and today the rows of property are managed in a rigorous and careful manner, so that harvest after harvest we are able to punctually harvest fine grapes concentrated in all their peculiarities. There are 8 districts from which the best grapes are harvested: Castelluzzi, Rovittello, Miano, Sprella, Contrasto, Cifiliana, Acqua del Corvo and Sciarazzi, with vines that have an age ranging from 30 to 50 years. The result is surprising: labels such as “Shiarà”, “Maravita” and “La Masa”, the sparkling wines based on Catarratto, Perricone, passing through Inzolia and Nero d'Avola, are all wines capable of surprising and recall the best wine excellences of Sicily.

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